EEvents A Visit to South Sudan with Faith McDonnellbyFaith McDonnellFebruary 11, 2014 A Visit to South Sudan with Faith McDonnell Thursday, February 20th6:30 – 7:45 p.m.At The Westminster Institute6731 Curran…
AArticles Muslim Condemnation of Violence Against ChristiansbyDr. Patrick SookhdeoFebruary 4, 2014 By Dr. Patrick Sookhdeo Islamist parties were able to take power in the early phase of the “Arab Spring,”…
AArticles Syrian Christian Leaders in WashingtonbyRobert ReillyFebruary 4, 2014 From January 26-29, 2014, the Westminster Institute and Barnabas Aid hosted a delegation of Syrian Christian leaders in…
AArticles One thousand Days Since the Uprising in Syria: The Battle for the QalamounbyRev. Dr. Riad JarjourDecember 23, 2013 By Rev. Dr. Riad Jarjour December 23, 2013 A few days past the 1000th day since the uprising…
EEvents Russia in the Middle East with Ilan BermanbyIlan BermanNovember 21, 2013 Russia in the Middle East Ilan Berman Thursday, December 5, 2013 6:30 – 7:45 p.m. Ilan Berman is Senior…
AArticles Information Operations: Successes and FailuresbyRobert ReillyNovember 8, 2013 By Robert R. Reilly From my experiences in the Cold War and since 9/11, I have formulated a…
AArticles Read More 4 minute read Westminster Institute sponsored a delegation to Cairo to meet with key governmental, civic and religious leaders.byKatharine C. GorkaOctober 30, 2013 Westminster Institute sponsored a delegation to Cairo to meet with key governmental, civic and religious leaders. The delegation…
AArticles Stephen Ulph Releases Major New Study on Boko HarambyStephen UlphOctober 28, 2013 Stephen Ulph, one of the West’s most insightful scholars of both jihadist and reformist narratives, has just published…
AArticles Al Qaeda’s failed 2000 hijacking: Recent analysis by Judicial Watch has important lessons for todaybyJudicial WatchOctober 28, 2013 Al Qaeda’s failed 2000 hijacking: Recent analysis by Judicial Watch has important lessons for today In 2002, the…
EEvents Information Warfare and the Muslim BrotherhoodbyKenneth E. deGraffenreidOctober 21, 2013 Information Warfare and the Muslim Brotherhood with Kenneth E. deGraffenreid Tuesday, October 29th 6:30 – 7:45 pm At…