AArticles Is the United States Moving Towards Engagement in the Ideological War?bySebastian GorkaJuly 20, 2011 The House Armed Services Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities has recently held hearings on the terrorist threat.…
EEvents The Future of Jihadist TerrorismbySebastian GorkaMay 25, 2011 The Future of Jihadist Terrorism: The Threat Doctrine and Strategic Response(Sebastian Gorka, May 25, 2011) Transcript available below…
EEvents Al Qaeda After the Death of Bin Laden – The Future of Jihadist TerrorismbyThomas JoscelynMay 25, 2011 Al Qaeda After the Death of Bin Laden – The Future of Jihadist Terrorism(Thomas Joscelyn, May 25, 2011)…
EEvents Terrorism and Subversion on the HomefrontbyDavid GaubatzandDr. Patrick SookhdeoJanuary 19, 2010 Terrorism and Subversion on the Homefront Patrick Sookhdeo and David Gaubatz January 19, 2010 Watch his speaker playlist here…