EEvents Fighting for Victory Against Islamism: A Muslim Blueprint for the WestbyDr. M. Zuhdi JasserAugust 23, 2016 Fighting for Victory Against Islamism: A Muslim Blueprint for the West(Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, September 8, 2016) Transcript available…
EEvents Congressman Frank Wolf on Boko HarambyFmr. Cong Frank WolfAugust 15, 2016 Nigeria & International Religious Freedom(Congressman Frank Wolf, August 16, 2016) Transcript available below Watch his speaker playlist About…
AArticles Weaponizing HistorybyNibras KazimiJune 26, 2016 Weaponizing History Nibras Kazimi Friday, June 17, 2016 Religious extremists in the Middle East, both Sunni and Shia,…
AArticles Defenseless in the Face of Our EnemiesbyAndrew C. McCarthy IIIJune 26, 2016 Defenseless in the Face of Our Enemies Andrew C. McCarthy From National Review Online: What keeps America from…
EEvents The Field of Fight: How We Can Win the Global War Against Radical Islam and Its AlliesbyDr. Michael LedeenJune 23, 2016 The Field of Fight: How We Can Win the Global War Against Radical Islam and Its Allies(Michael Ledeen,…
EEvents How to Define ISIS and How Morocco is Fighting ItbyJack RusenkoJune 22, 2016 How to Define ISIS and How Morocco is Fighting It(Jack Rusenko, July 6, 2016) Transcript available below ISIS…
EEvents Defenseless in the Face of our Enemies: What Keeps America from Protecting Itself from Radical IslambyAndrew C. McCarthy IIIJune 22, 2016 Defenseless in the Face of our Enemies:What Keeps America from Protecting Itself from Radical Islam(Andrew C. McCarthy III,…
EEvents How Jihadists Weaponize Islamic History and How to De-Weaponize ItbyNibras KazimiJune 1, 2016 Watch his speaker playlist How Jihadists Weaponize Islamic History and How to De-Weaponize It(Nibras Kazimi, June 1, 2016)…
EEvents Obama’s Leading From Behind: The National Security ConsequencesbyRichard MiniterMay 5, 2016 Obama’s Leading From Behind: The National Security Consequences(Richard Miniter, May 18, 2016) Transcript available below Watch his speaker…
EEvents Turkey Returns to Jihad: Gülen & the Gülen MovementbyClare M. LopezApril 22, 2016 Turkey Returns to Jihad: Gülen & the Gülen Movement(Clare M. Lopez, May 4, 2016) Watch her speaker playlist About…